quarta-feira, 22 de julho de 2020

INGLÊS - 6º ano - 22/07

Bom dia!

Segue ATIVIDADE DE INGLÊS de Interpretação de Texto, para ser entregue até dia 24/07 (sexta-feira). Valor 3,0.

Enviar pelo email: yan_marcel@hotmail.com

Obs.: O CONTEÚDO DA AVALIAÇÃO DE INGLÊS SERÁ DE INTERPRETAÇÃO DE TEXTO (essa atividade ajudará vocês a estudarem).

NAME: ________________________Nº____ 6ºA DATE: 22/07/2020


At the zoo

Jimmy: Look, dad! Those birds in that tree!
How funny they are!
Dad: They look like people!
Jimmy: Can I give these fruit to that one? The yellow one?
He is hungry. Look, he is sad!
He wants these fruit!
Dad: You can give the fruit, Jimmy.
( And Jimmy gives the fruit to the yellow bird.)
Jimmy: Now he is very happy. He is making grace. He is very funny!


Choose the correct alternative.
( Escolha a alternativa correta.)
1.Where is Jimmy?
( ) Jimmy is at home.
( ) Jimmy is at school.
( ) Jimmy is at the zoo. 
2.Where are the birds?
( ) The birds are on a car.
( ) The birds are in the park.
( ) The birds are in a tree.
3.( ) Birds are big animals.
( ) Birds are funny animals.
( ) Birds are domestic animals.
4.What color is the bird in the text?
The bird in the text is __________.
5. ( ) Birds are big animals.
( ) Birds are funny animals.
( ) Birds are domestic animals.
6.Jimmy wants to give?
( ) popcorn to the yellow bird.
( ) fruit to the yellow bird.
( ) oranges to the yellow bird.
7.The birds make:
( ) grace
( ) toys
( )objects
8.The birds in the text is:
( ) big
( )yellow, funny, hungry
( ) unhappy