Bom dia!
Correction of the exercises of the past class. Any doubts call me in Whatsapp.
Page 75
a) who
b) which
c) which
d) who
e) which
f) whose
g) when
a) F - Henry Ford popularized the car.
b) T
c) T
Page 76
a) everybody
b) someone
c) nothing
d) someone
e) something
f) nobody
g) something
h) no one
Page 77
a) Stereotype
b) violence
c) bully
d) prejudice
e) difference
f) citizenship
g) respect
h) discrimination
i) tolerance
Take care!
7 comentários:
Bruna Lameira 9 Ano Manhã OK
Fialho 9ano m ok
David Augustho 9t OK
Heloisa 9t ok
ok Matheus Vitor dos santos 9 tarde
Ok Giovanna Manfrin 9 ano tarde página
Bernardo sperandio ferreira 9 ano manhã ok
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